If you want to prepare for our master's programme Classical Music, you can apply for our Pre Master. The Pre Master Classical Music is a one year programme that helps you preparing for the Master Classical Music at Prince Claus Conservatoire.
Pre Master Classical Music

- Master Music (full-time)
Overview Pre Master Classical Music
The programme consists of the following lessons:
- Main instrument lessons
- Correpetition
- One-on-one sessions with a mentor to prepare for the master's programme
- Research lessons
- Entrepreneurship lessons
Additionally, without extra costs you can also
- Perform in chamber music projects
- Perform in orchestra projects
- Perform in presentation evenings
- Join masterclasses and workshops
- Join the introduction week in the first week of the school year
In order to be admitted you have to apply for the entrance exam for the Master of Music. Upon your audition the comittee will decide if you can be admitted into the programme.
In January all Pre Master students take part in the semester exams. After succesfullly completing the Pre Master programme, you will receive a certificate of participation.
The tuition fee for the 2023-2024 school year is €2.314,-
The tuition fee for the 2024-2025 school year is € 2.530,-
If you are interested in the Pre Master programme Classical Music, please contact Ms. Sigute Zurauskaite for more information.
Sigute Zurauskaite
Educational support Master of Music
- Master Music (full-time)
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